Physician Leadership Academy

The NMA Physician Leadership Academy has a solid foundation in positive psychology and includes the use of advanced assessments, evaluation tools, and individual coaching.

It is a peer-based learning forum for groups of up to 15 -20 physicians. In addition to nine monthly four-hour group sessions (delivered live, online), each participant receives one individual coaching session per month with the academy instructor, Pam Hernandez. This program is comprehensive, powerful, and combines the best of peer interactions, self-discovery assessments, and individual coaching.

Click here to read testimonials

Applications close August 31.

2023-2024 YEAR
LOCATION: First and last session will take place at the NMA office located at 1045 Lincoln Mall, Suite 200, Lincoln, Nebraska.
All other sessions will be conducted virtually via Zoom.
DATES & SCHEDULE: July/August Leadership Academy participants selected and notified.
September Evaluators chosen / LCP profiles launched.
9 Monthly Workshops Held the 3rd Friday of each month from 8:30 am – 12:00 pm:

Friday, October 20, 2023: introductory workshop at NMA office
Friday, November 17, 2023: virtual
Friday, December 15, 2023: virtual
Friday, January 19, 2024: virtual
Friday, February 16, 2024: virtual
Friday, March 15, 2024: virtual
Friday, April 19, 2024: virtual
Friday, May 17, 2024: virtual
Friday, June 21, 2024: closing workshop at NMA office

There are three main components of the NMA Physician Leadership Academy including Assessments, Individual Coaching, and Peer Engagement:

The Assessments – A journey in self-discovery

The academy begins with each participant completing the 360 Leadership Circle Profile assessment which measures key leadership competencies and identifies tendencies that limit effectiveness (with input from supervisors, colleagues, and others). The use of other assessments, like Emergenetics, VIA, and the Mindshift Journey Process are woven throughout the course and become a key part of part of the individual coaching sessions. Think of assessments as your own personal self-discovery map. Individual results are confidential.

Individual Coaching – It’s personal

While assessments provide invaluable information about you, they become actionable through individual coaching. Pam Hernandez, the Academy instructor and coach, uses a proven developmental coaching approach based on Robert Kegan’s theory of adult development that as we develop, not only what we think changes but how we think also changes. This change in thinking leads to clarity, increased confidence, and an expanded depth of leadership excellence. The assessments take on real meaning during individual coaching as you discover, through a guided debriefing, how the results apply specifically to you, opening up new possibilities for growth. These individual coaching sessions are fertile ground for a shift in perspective which alters self-limiting behaviors. The outcome is often profound and always actionable, right from the start.

As one example of how an assessment and individual coaching work together, one part of the process includes development of an improvement goal that you’ve had difficulty achieving in the past. Using the Mindshift Journey Process, you will work with Pam Hernandez to complete your own personal mind map and attain deeply sought changes by bringing internal unconscious resistance to light. That’s one example. There are many more.

Monthly Group Sessions – Engage with peers who “get it”

You will meet on-line once monthly with like-minded peers to learn, share, and grow. Physicians report that these monthly sessions with colleagues who “get it” are among the most valuable aspects of the program. During these sessions, leadership best practices are explored, and group exercises and discussions are always lively and informative. A portion of each session is also devoted to mindfulness training. Becoming more mindful is the fuel needed to apply what you learn.

To ensure you have 24/7 access to all class materials, we provide a custom Learning Management platform that you can access at any time to download documents discussed during the session, catch up on “homework,” and schedule your individual coaching session with Pam.

The Talent Behind the NMA Physician Leadership Academy

Pam’s 30 year career in the financial services industry culminated in her role as Chief Operating Officer. Her business experience included marketing, human resources, IT, operations, and strategy. Pam began The Right Reflection after receiving a Master’s degree in Applied Positive Psychology at the University of Pennsylvania. Her work focuses on bringing about transformational change with organizations and individuals. Pam is certified in a number of psychological and leadership assessment tools and programs, as well as being a Professional Certified Coach (PCC) through International Coaching Federation. The Right Reflection is an NMA member benefit which provides individual leadership coaching tailored to the needs of healthcare professionals and brought to you by the experts from the NMA Physician Leadership Academy. Find out more on our Member Benefits page.