Please contact NMA Membership Director Meghan Johnson, at with any questions or to pay your dues offline.

2023 Business Expense Deduction
Association dues are not deductible as a charitable contribution for Federal income tax purposes, but may be partially deductible as a business expense. Fifteen percent (15%) of your NMA dues are not deductible because of lobbying activities on behalf of its members for 2023.

The NMA and County Medical Societies are unified and rates below include membership in both organizations. Membership categories are based on:
1) The County Medical Society (CMS) vicinity you practice in, and
2) Your year of practice after residency/fellowship (where applicable)

LCMS MOMS Dodge CMS Hall CMS Lincoln CMS Northeast CMS Platte-Loup-Valley CMS Scotts Bluff CMS All Other Counties
Includes the county of: Lancaster Douglas, Sarpy Dodge Hall, Howard Lincoln Antelope, Cedar, Dakota, Dixon, Madison, Pierce, Thurston, Wayne Colfax, Loup, Nance, Platte, Polk, Valley Garden, Morrill, Scotts Bluff
Physician-Active $750.00 $750.00 $410.00 $440.00 $490.00 $440.00 $410.00 $440.00 $390.00
4th Year
$600.00 $600.00 $332.00 $362.00 $412.00 $362.00 $332.00 $362.00 $312.00
3rd Year
$450.00 $450.00 $254.00 $284.00 $334.00 $284.00 $254.00 $284.00 $234.00
2nd Year
$300.00 $300.00 $176.00 $206.00 $256.00 $206.00 $176.00 $206.00 $156.00
1st Year
$187.50 $187.50 $117.50 $147.50 $197.50 $147.50 $117.50 $147.50 $97.50
Resident/Fellow $30.00 $30.00 NA $30.00 $30.00 $30.00 NA $30.00 $15.00
Physician-Allied Graduate of an accredited medical or osteopathic school, or an institution recognized as equivalent by the Nebraska Board of Medicine and Surgery, and who is engaged in an activity which does not require medical licensure. $390.00
Physician-Retired Stay engaged and contribute your experience to the future of medicine. Please contact us for membership options.

* Voluntary contributions and specialty society memberships must be added individually to your remittance should you wish to include them.